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剛好想說要用Varish來做一下Minio(S3)的cache, 研究了一下順便做個紀錄

先在Ubuntu上裝來試試, 可以用apt 來安裝:

apt install varnish

在Ubuntu 20.04上(WSL用的版本)是6.2.1的版本, 最新版應該是7.2, 不過沒差, 做法都一樣

Varnish預設的設定在/etc/varnish/default.vcl, 打開這檔案你就可以看到像這樣的內容:

vcl 4.0;

# Default backend definition. Set this to point to your content server.
backend default {
    .host = "";
sub vcl_recv {
    # Happens before we check if we have this in cache already.
    # Typically you clean up the request here, removing cookies you don't need,
    # rewriting the request, etc.

sub vcl_backend_response {
    # Happens after we have read the response headers from the backend.
    # Here you clean the response headers, removing silly Set-Cookie headers
    # and other mistakes your backend does.

sub vcl_deliver {
    # Happens when we have all the pieces we need, and are about to send the
    # response to the client.
    # You can do accounting or modifying the final object here.

Varnish的設定檔用的是一種叫做vcl的語言, 它會被Varnish先compile過後才會被使用, 所以改好這檔案後, 如果你跑 sudo system start varnish (這是WSL2上用的, 其他地方可能就是systemctl), 如果你寫錯了, 一開始跑就可以發現出錯了

以上面那個例子來說, 它會預設快取你local上的web server

但如果是要連接Minio (S3)是不夠的, 因為如果單純把backend設成 Minio server, 那client還是會需要access key和secret key才可以存取, 如果你希望讓它跟存取靜態網站一樣, 那你可以能會希望把這兩個設定放在後端

Vanish出場是沒支援可以call S3 API的, 這時候就要透過一個VMOD - AWSRest, 這VMOD是可以在你去backend (Minio/S3) 拿資料前先幫你用你的access key, secret key算好簽章(signature), 所以我們要先安裝這個VMOD

安裝VMOD你會先需要libvarnishapi-dev, 可以用apt install libvarnishapi-dev來安裝, 另外AWSRest還會需要mhash, 你還會需要安裝apt-get install libmhash-dev

裝好後, 從 https://github.com/xcir/libvmod-awsrest 抓取最新的source code, 進入目錄後執行

sudo make install

沒意外的話就可以完成安裝, 要確認是不是已經安裝好了, 我們可以在default.vcl加上

vcl 4.0;
import awsrest;

# ....

重啟varnish有成功, 表示應該是沒啥問題才對

我在我本地端電腦跑了個Minio, port為9000, 有一個bucket叫做mmmbux, 裡面有個檔案, key為20220101/a.c, access key為TGhYs2FYBGMYueAz, secrect key為IM2SgF7LxIlZVbeo3Vv7OdQzA7pnZFB1, Varnish則是跑在port 6081上

首先我們來看看怎讓client/browser在不用提供access key/secret key的狀況下可以存取物件

vcl 4.0;
import awsrest;

backend default {
    .host = "";
    .port = "9000";

sub vcl_recv {
    set req.http.host = "";
        service           = "s3",
        region            = "ap-northeast-1",
        access_key        = "TGhYs2FYBGMYueAz",
        secret_key        = "IM2SgF7LxIlZVbeo3Vv7OdQzA7pnZFB1",
        signed_headers    = "host;",
        canonical_headers = "host:" + req.http.host + awsrest.lf()

Ok, 其實就很簡單的在vcl_recv上加上那幾行就好, 這時候你就可以用 http://localhost:6081/mmmbux/20220101/a.c 來存取 mmmbux 這bucket上 2022/0101/a.c 這個檔案了

那, 如果我不想把bucket name當作url的一部分呢?

sub vcl_recv {
    set req.http.host = "";
    set req.url = "mmmbux/" + req.url
        service           = "s3",
        region            = "ap-northeast-1",
        access_key        = "TGhYs2FYBGMYueAz",
        secret_key        = "IM2SgF7LxIlZVbeo3Vv7OdQzA7pnZFB1",
        signed_headers    = "host;",
        canonical_headers = "host:" + req.http.host + awsrest.lf()

上面這段就是把你進來的url加上mmmbux/當新的url, 這樣做的話, 你的新url就會是 http://localhost:6081/20220101/a.c

那如果我想進一步, 把它變成 http://localhost:6081/files/20220101/a.c 呢?

sub vcl_recv {
    set req.http.host = "";
    if (req.url ~ "^/files/") {
        set req.url = regsub(req.url, "^/files/", "/mmmbux/");
          service           = "s3",
          region            = "ap-northeast-1",
          access_key        = "TGhYs2FYBGMYueAz",
          secret_key        = "IM2SgF7LxIlZVbeo3Vv7OdQzA7pnZFB1",
          signed_headers    = "host;",
          canonical_headers = "host:" + req.http.host + awsrest.lf()
    } else {

上面這段就是把/files/後面的都到 mmmbux這bucket去抓, 然後其他目錄都回傳 404 Not found

那如果我想要用docker跑也要有這VMod呢? 我把這Dockerfile的範例放在https://github.com/julianshen/varnish-awsrest-docker, Varnish 官方的docker image有提供 install-vmod 這script讓你安裝vmod, 所以只需要給它awsrest的tarball: https://github.com/xcir/libvmod-awsrest/archive/refs/tags/v70.12.tar.gz 即可, 我做了一個現成的image放在quay.io/jlnshen/varnish-awsrest